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STI Organisation

The Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Organisation Module module is the main module that stores the details about organisations involved in research and development (R&D) and others services related to STI.

The main functions of this module are:

  1. Provide information facilities for STI organisations in Malaysia.
  2. Develops document upload functionality in bulk.
  3. Provides information search facilities for STI organisations in Malaysia.
  4. Generate reports for the purpose of monitoring reports.
  5. Creating a function to upload SSM Certificates for the organisations involved.

Malaysian Human Resources in STI (MyHRSTI)

MyHRSTI contains information on STI human resources such as researchers and experts who are in government departments/agencies, public and private research institutes, higher learning institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and private companies conducting R&D activities and other STI services in Malaysia. Each profile has detailed information such as name, organisation, current position, contact information, status and areas of expertise (FOR), educational background, awards, publications and research project information.

Additionally, MyHRSTI also collects basic information of all users such as coordinators, students, lab / asset managers and the public who wish to obtain further information or online services like booking of scientific equipment and managing STI data in

The basic information of users collected is their name, organisation, current position, contact information, and educational background only.

Definition of STI Human Resource

According to the Canberra Manual, the definition of STI human capital is as follows:

  1. A person who has successfully completed tertiary education in the field of STI; or
  2. A person working in the field of STI despite not having any qualifications in tertiary education in the field of STI.

National Scientific Facilities and Equipment (NSFE)

The National Scientific Facilities & Equipment (NSFE) aims to encourage sharing of facilities and scientific equipment among STI community and enhance research and development (R&D) cooperation. The initiative also plans to encourage the industrial and public sector to collaborate in R&D activities.

This initiative will also help the STI community execute R&D&C activities to produce new products, processes or technologies via rentals or acquire analytics services without the need to procure expensive equipment. Moreover, the industry could gain technical advice in STI through the sharing of facilities and scientific equipment. The country also benefited by having centralized information on facilities and equipment scientific that eventually avoid procurement of similar scientific equipment.

The NSFE was develop by the Malaysian Science and Technology Information Center (MASTIC) that contains information on facilities and scientific equipment in Malaysia. The equipment is owned by government departments and agencies, government research institutions and public higher education institutions. The sharing of facilities and scientific equipment for this initiative refers to the following scope and definitions:

  1. Sharing scope of facilities and scientific equipment includes equipment rentals, R&D cooperation, offers of analytic services or technical advisory and sharing of the analysis result;
  2. Definition of STI facilities refers location or places where research and scientific activities are pursued such as a laboratory, the monitoring centre and site of testing; and
  3. The definition of scientific equipment refers to machine, equipment, apparatus, accessories or parts that are specific or unique worth RM100,000.00 and more which utilized for research activities, analysis, teaching/learning, testing and inspection services.

MASTIC will continue increasing the number of facility and scientific equipment in NSFE. Therefore, MASTIC encourage various agencies / departments and the private sector to list their owned scientific facilities and equipment worth RM100,000.00 in the NSFE by register it on the portal.

R&D Project Bank

Project bank R&D is a platform that contains information on R,D&C STI projects under 8th Malaysian Plan onwards. This platform was aimed to find out the R,D&C fund achievement information related to STI projects. Each organisation or individual needs to enter or update project information so that MOSTI can monitor the project's status over time.

Technology Market (TECHMart)

TECHMART provides a platform for promotion and technology transfer to enhance the application of local technology towards the development of the country's S&T capabilities. This database also provides an opportunity for industry players to obtain information on local products and technology.

STI Indicator

The Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) indicator is used to measure the performance of STI in Malaysia toward the goals established by the Government and as inputs for international competitiveness benchmarking and comparisons.

National Research and Development (R&D) Survey

The aim of the survey is to measure the investment in creation of new scientific and technological knowledge by the performance of research and development (R&D). The analysis of the survey result provides an insight into the growth of R&D activities undertaken by the public and private sectors in Malaysia. Accurate and timely data on various R&D activities in the country must be gathered comprehensively to provide crucial input for the policy makers.

National Survey of Innovation

The national survey of innovation has been conducted since 1994 to provide information on the state of technological development in the country. It has assisted policymakers in identifying the characteristic of innovation in greater detail which is important for the purpose of policy intervention. The methodology employed in the survey was based on the recommendations of the Oslo Manual and the Community Innovation Surveys carried out in the European Union (EU) countries.

Public Awareness of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Malaysia

The aim of the survey was to measure the Malaysian public awareness, attitude towards, interest in, and understanding of science, technology and innovation (STI) as well as to ascertain the extent of the public's involvement in the STI programmes and the success of the implementation of these programmes. The findings are useful particularly for policy makers to plan and employ better strategies to make STI less formidable and more appealing to Malaysians. The public, in return, will benefit from effective STI programmes, will bring about positive impact on both social and economic development. Furthermore, comparisons were also made with other countries for policy making and benchmarking.

Bibliometric Study

The national bibliometric study was conducted to lay the foundation for creating a national bibliometric database required for strategic planning of science and technology (S&T) development of the country. The objectives of the study are to identify S&T knowledge output by Malaysian scientists measured by the number of published papers at the international level, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the performance of institutions and individuals in relevant fields of research and to identify the extent of collaboration among institutions and countries.

Malaysian Science and Technology Indicators

The Malaysian Science and Technology Indicators is the consolidation of data from surveys conducted by MASTIC as well as a compilation of secondary data from other organisations and agencies. The report provides details of the national performance and trends in S&T including education, human resource development, research and development, innovation, scientific publications and public awareness of S&T. It also contains comprehensive indicators to benchmark the nation's status and performance over the years as well as internationally.